4Hundred Eduaction Terms
Course Enrolment: To enrol in 4Hundred courses, you must be at least 16 years old. If 13-15 you must have your parents or guardian reserve your place and they have to fill in the required information.
To secure your place a deposit is required you pay the deposit when reserving your place. Deposit is NON REFUNDABLE
Full payment is required pay before the course starts or on the day of the course at the location. So the course has payment instalments and the first instalment t must be paid before the start of the course.
Course Materials: All course materials, including textbooks, manuals, and other learning resources, are the property of the course provider and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission. Models will not be provided for students, they must provide their own model during the course.
Course Completion: To successfully complete the course, you must attend all classes If you miss more than two classes without a valid excuse, you may be withdrawn from the course.
Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. However, this certificate does not guarantee employment or licensing.
Refunds and Cancellations: Refunds will not be issued. If you withdraw from the course after it has started, no refund will be given. In the event that the course provider cancels the course, you will be given a full refund.
Code of Conduct: You are expected to behave professionally and respectfully towards instructors, staff, and other students. Any behavior that is disruptive, abusive, or discriminatory will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the course.
Liability: The course provider is not liable for any injury, damage, or loss of personal property that occurs during the course. You are responsible for your own safety and security.
Intellectual Property: All intellectual property created during the course, such as haircuts, designs, and photographs, belong to the course provider and may be used for marketing or educational purposes.
Privacy: The course provider will collect and use personal information for the purpose of administering the course. This information will not be shared with third parties without your consent.